MAVE Body and Skin Institute
MAVE Body and Skin Institute practices medicine very differently from your average dermatology practice.
First, we are a multi-disciplinary clinic with both plastic surgery and dermatology under the same roof. This allows us to develop treatment plans based on two complementary, but very different knowledge bases. Second, we are heavily focused on incorporating the latest science in our patient care plans. Moreso than any other practice in the area, we understand the biology of your skin. This is evident by the number of scientific and clinical manuscripts that our team publishes every year and the number of clinical trials that we participate in. This is a performance metric that we are very proud of. Peer-reviewed scientific and medical publications are tracked by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Please look at our physician’s latest publications here. In total, MAVE scientists, Drs. Maverakis and Le, have published hundreds of scientific discoveries including several in the most prestigious medical and scientific journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine and Nature Medicine. They also have numerous publications in the leading dermatology specialty journals, including JAMA Dermatology, J Am Acad Dermatol, and the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.

Eczema Study
Treatment for ECZEMA
Inclusion criteria
18 years old +
Active eczema spots
Eczema FAQs

Hidradenitis Study
Treatment for HIDRADENITIS
Inclusion criteria
18 year old +
Mod-severe hidradenitis suppurtiva
Hidradenitis FAQs

Psoriasis Study
Treatment for PSORIASIS
Inclusion criteria
18 year old +
Mod-severe psoriasis
Psoriasis FAQs
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Questions and interests about our studies